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Volume 30, Issue 5 e2106

Individual variation creates diverse migratory portfolios in native populations of a mountain ungulate

B. Lowrey

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B. Lowrey

Fish and Wildlife Ecology and Management Program, Department of Ecology, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, 59717 USA

E-mail: [email protected]

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D. E. McWhirter

D. E. McWhirter

Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Jackson, Wyoming, 83001 USA

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K. M. Proffitt

K. M. Proffitt

Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, Bozeman, Montana, 59718 USA

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K. L. Monteith

K. L. Monteith

Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources, Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, 82072 USA

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A. B. Courtemanch

A. B. Courtemanch

Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Jackson, Wyoming, 83001 USA

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P. J. White

P. J. White

Yellowstone Center for Resources, Yellowstone National Park, National Park Service, Mammoth, Wyoming, 82190 USA

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J. T. Paterson

J. T. Paterson

Fish and Wildlife Ecology and Management Program, Department of Ecology, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, 59717 USA

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S. R. Dewey

S. R. Dewey

Grand Teton National Park, National Park Service, PO Box 170, Moose, Wyoming, 83012 USA

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R. A. Garrott

R. A. Garrott

Fish and Wildlife Ecology and Management Program, Department of Ecology, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, 59717 USA

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First published: 24 February 2020
Citations: 22
Corresponding Editor: Adam T. Ford


Ecological theory and empirical studies have demonstrated population-level demographic benefits resulting from a diversity of migratory behaviors with important implications for ecology, conservation, and evolution of migratory organisms. Nevertheless, evaluation of migratory portfolios (i.e., the variation in migratory behaviors across space and time among individuals within populations) has received relatively little attention in migratory ungulates, where research has focused largely on the dichotomous behaviors (e.g., resident and migrant) of partially migratory populations. Using GPS data from 361 female bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) across 17 (4 restored, 6 augmented, 7 native) populations in Montana and Wyoming, USA, we (1) characterized migratory portfolios based on behavioral and spatial migratory characteristics and (2) evaluated the relative influence of landscape attributes and management histories on migratory diversity. Native populations, which had been extant on the landscape for many generations, had more diverse migratory portfolios, higher behavioral switching rates, reduced seasonal range fidelity, and broad dispersion of individuals across summer and winter ranges. In contrast, restored populations with an abbreviated history on the landscape were largely non-migratory with a narrow portfolio of migratory behaviors, less behavioral switching, higher fidelity to seasonal ranges, and less dispersion on summer and winter ranges. Augmented populations were more variable and contained characteristics of both native and restored populations. Differences in migratory diversity among populations were associated with management histories (e.g., restored, augmented, or native). Landscape characteristics such as the duration and regularity of green-up, human landscape alterations, topography, and snow gradients were not strongly associated with migratory diversity. We suggest a two-pronged approach to restoring migratory portfolios in ungulates that first develops behavior-specific habitat models and then places individuals with known migratory behaviors into unoccupied areas in an effort to bolster migratory portfolios in restored populations, potentially with synergistic benefits associated with variation among individuals and resulting portfolio effects. Management efforts to restore diverse migratory portfolios may increase the abundance, resilience, and long-term viability of ungulate populations.

Data Availability

Data supporting the findings of this study are available via the Dryad Digital Repository: